Ahoj, som Hrubo. Najväčšiu radosť mi urobí, ak niekedy uvidíte v obyčajných veciach to, čo tam vidím ja ... Instagram: @dlatomdooka
utorok 4. decembra 2018
streda 14. novembra 2018
Stresspills - Strepsils
#stresspills #strepsils #stress #pills #medicine #liek #antibacterial #bacterial #antifungic #fungic #antiviral #viral #bolest #hrdlo #jesen #rebranding #dlatomdooka
utorok 13. novembra 2018
I yoghurt myself today...to see if I still feel
#iyoghurtmyself #ihurtmyself #today #yoghurt #yogurt #jogurt #hurt #milk #food #culture #trentreznor #johnnycash #trent #reznor #johnny #cash #nin #cover #music #collage #dlatomdooka
piatok 9. novembra 2018
Kain a Labe - Kain a Abel
#kainalabe #kainaabel #kain #abel #labe #cainandabel #cain #abel #elbe #bible #story #malba #painting #collage #dlatomdooka
streda 31. októbra 2018
Na prahu ženy - na prahu změny
#naprahuzeny #naprahuzmeny #zeny #zmeny #pirati #piratskastrana #kampan #laska #michala #volby #praha #prague #democracy #democrazy #nothingpersonal #dlatomdooka
piatok 26. októbra 2018
Aloe nevera - aloe vera
#aloenevera #aloevera #aloe #vera #nevera #cheating #couplesgoals #love #heartbreak #succulent #plant #evergreen #collage #dlatomdooka
štvrtok 11. októbra 2018
Disnengland - Disneyland
#disnengland #disneyland #england #london #unitedkingdom #uk #waltdisney #walt #disney #land #themepark #park #logo #rebranding #dlatomdooka
streda 10. októbra 2018
Zabiť si nákup...
#zabit #zabalit #nakup #nakupy #kaufland #obchod #supermarket #potraviny #groceries #grocery #shopping #dlatomdooka
utorok 9. októbra 2018
sobota 6. októbra 2018
Metr Pach - Petr Mach
#metrpach #petrmach #metr #petr #mach #pach #vobodni #volby #praha #prague #democracy #democrazy #nothingpersonal #somimigrant #fuckhashtags #dlatomdooka
piatok 21. septembra 2018
Apokaliptov - Liptov
#apokaliptov #liptov #apokalypsa #apocalypse #slovakia #slovak #region #nature #postapo #postapocalyptic #tomhardy #hardy #madmax #mad #max #furyroad #fury #road #mountains #MountainView #collage #dlatomdooka
štvrtok 20. septembra 2018
Zákaz koření - zákaz kouření
#zakazkoreni #zakazkoureni #koreni #koureni #sul #sol #salt #spicy #spice #bae #saltbae #smoking #collage #dlatomdooka
utorok 18. septembra 2018
#smrt #smart #daimler #mircrocar #car #auto #autosalon #carcrash #crash #death #test #crashtest #safety #accident #seatbelt #drivesafe #carsafety #gearhead #brand #rebranding #dlatomdooka
piatok 14. septembra 2018
Paralen universe - parallel universe
#paralenuniverse #paralleluniverse #paralen #paracetamol #acetaminophen #medicine #medication #painrelief #pain #relief #universe #space #astro #milkyway #existence #life #collage #dlatomdooka
štvrtok 13. septembra 2018
BMW - Be My Widow
#bemywidow #widow #bmw #car #auto #autosalon #carcrash #crash #test #crashtest #safety #accident #seatbelt #drivesafe #carsafety #gearhead #brand #rebranding #dlatomdooka
streda 12. septembra 2018
#hundie #hyundai #car #auto #autosalon #carcrash #crash #test #crashtest #safety #accident #seatbelt #drivesafe #carsafety #gearhead #brand #rebranding #dlatomdooka
piatok 31. augusta 2018
štvrtok 30. augusta 2018
Alpha / Betta male
#bettamale #alphamale #betamale #alpha #beta #betta #male #macho #siamese #fighting #fish #dominant #animal #confidence #respect #collage #dlatomdooka
streda 29. augusta 2018
NIKE Just idiot. - Just do it.
#justidiot #justdoit #nike #brand #just #doit #idiot #sport #shoes #footwear #apparel #moda #fashion #slogan #rebranding #dlatomdooka
utorok 28. augusta 2018
utorok 14. augusta 2018
streda 8. augusta 2018
Havárie uplynú - havárie plynu
#havarieuplynu #havarieplynu #havaria #havarie #plyn #streda #motivace #motivacia #mudrost #motivation #wednesday #wisdom #pozor #sign #gas #thistooshallpass #sickobudzeoriginal #dlatomdooka
streda 1. augusta 2018
Fine wood - wine food
#finewoodmarket #winefoodmarket #finewood #winefood #wine #food #fine #wood #smichov #prague #italian #cuisine #gourmet #love #dlatomdooka
štvrtok 26. júla 2018
Amazing hoes - amazing shoes
#amazinghoes #amazingshoes #amazing #hoes #shoes #windowshopping #shopping #shopaholic #babes #summer #sale #dlatomdooka
štvrtok 19. júla 2018
Jára Cyberman - Jára Cimrman
#jaracyberman #jaracimrman #jara #cimrman #cyberman #cybermen #cyber #doctorwho #tardis #mashup #genius #patriot #sverak #vseumel #czech #legend #dlatomdooka
štvrtok 12. júla 2018
streda 11. júla 2018
iPhone XY - iPhone X
#iphonexy #iphonex #iphone #apple #smartphone #luxury #phone #product #new #model #ios #chromosome #rebranding #dlatomdooka
utorok 10. júla 2018
Sektariát - sekretariát
#sektariat #sekretariat #sekta #secretariat #sect #cirkev #viera #socialni #demokracie #zbran #socdem #politika #kraj #okres #preklep #dlatomdooka
pondelok 9. júla 2018
Agresívne Slovensko - Progresívne Slovensko
#agresivneslovensko #progresivneslovensko #agresivne #progresivne #slovensko #slovakia #politika #politics #smutne #lsns #dlatomdooka
streda 4. júla 2018
Rebel without hoes - rebel without a cause
#rebelwithouthoes #rebelwithoutacause #rebel #jamesdean #hoes #girlfriend #movie #film #classic #poster #preklep #dlatomdooka
utorok 3. júla 2018
Rebel bez prciny - rebel bez príčiny
#rebelbezprciny #rebelbezpriciny #rebel #jamesdean #prcina #girlfriend #movie #film #classic #poster #preklep #dlatomdooka
pondelok 25. júna 2018
Lorem Ipsum Dolor - Calvin Klein Jeans
(Lorem Ipsum is a placeholder text commonly used to demonstrate the visual form of a document without relying on meaningful content)
#loremipsum #lipsum #ck #calvinklein #calvin #klein #jeans #tshirt #fashion #model #luxury #luxus #styl #moda #design #brand #logo #nonsense #dlatomdooka
štvrtok 21. júna 2018
Slovenský weed, priamo od dealera - slovenský med, priamo od včelára
#slovenskyweed #slovenskymed #weed #med #vcelar #dealer #honey #slovakia #produce #healthy #food #bio #zdravastrava #dlatomdooka
streda 20. júna 2018
Yellow urine - yellow submarine
#yellowurine #yellowsubmarine #yellow #submarine #urine #moc #thebeatles #british #rock #pop #psychedelic #music #dlatomdooka
štvrtok 7. júna 2018
Denník MEME / SME
Meme - An element of a culture or system of behaviour passed from one individual to another by imitation or other non-genetic means.
#denniksme #dennikmeme #sme #noviny #press #tlac #slovakia #meme #memes #internet #branding #dlatomdooka
streda 6. júna 2018
#barmani #billybarman #hudba #music #slovak #indie #pop #rock #armani #moda #fashion #style #italian #perfume #brand #rebranding #dlatomdooka
utorok 5. júna 2018
Visel - Levi's
#visel #jurajjanosik #janosik #zbojnik #bandit #poprava #execution #hanging #terchova #highwayman #legend #hero #levis #levi #strauss #clothing #denim #jeans #tshirt #fashion #hipster #trend #rovnosata #uniforma #logo #rebranding #dlatomdooka
pondelok 4. júna 2018
štvrtok 31. mája 2018
Habanero and the burning of Rome
#nero #burning #rome #italy #fire #roman #emperor #habanero #chilli #chili #pepper #spicy #hot #scoville #dlatomdooka
streda 30. mája 2018
Heartbreaker / lifesaver
#heartbreaker #lifesaver #heart #break #life #save #love #card #hand #cpr #cardio #resuscitation #dlatomdooka
utorok 29. mája 2018
McDie - McDrive
#mcdie #mcdrive #mcdonalds #drive #die #death #healthy #fastfood #fast #food #restaurant #foodporn #bonappetit #rebranding #dlatomdooka
pondelok 28. mája 2018
Elvis - Levi's
Dobre vám zajebáva. Pekná nová uniforma... :D
#elvis #presley #elvispresley #levis #levi #strauss #clothing #denim #jeans #tshirt #fashion #hipster #trend #rovnosata #uniforma #logo #rebranding #dlatomdooka
streda 23. mája 2018
Down on my fuck / luck
"Down on my fuck / luck*"
*/"experiencing a period of bad luck." (Oxford Dictionary)/
#downonmyluck #downonmufuck #down #lack #fuck #luck #love #vicmensa #rap #album #cover #life #dlatomdooka
streda 16. mája 2018
WetWife - MetLife
#wetwife #metlife #insurance #corporation #couplegoals #happy #marriage #logo #rebranding #dlatomdooka
štvrtok 10. mája 2018
Crematine - creatine
Ashes to ashes, dust to dust...
#crematine #creatine #krematin #kreatin #natural #bio #cremation #kremacia #kremace #urn #urna #ashes #popel #popol #afterlife #fit #fitness #bodybuilding #supplement #muscles #workout #gym #rebranding #dlatomdooka
pondelok 30. apríla 2018
#daciarusted #daciaduster #dacia #rusted #rust #duster #auto #car #motor #rebranding #dlatomdooka
utorok 24. apríla 2018
The Chemical Mothers / Brothers
#chemicalmothers #chemicalbrothers #chemical #mothers #brothers #bigbeat #electronica #techno #triphop #music #drugs #sara #goldfarb #requiem for a #dream #weightloss #boredom #rebranding #dlatomdooka
streda 11. apríla 2018
Škoda pruser - škoda superb
#pruser #superb #skodaauto #skoda #auto #car #trouble #sedan #autosalon #rebranding #dlatomdooka
pondelok 9. apríla 2018
Macrohard - Microsoft
#macrohard #microsoft #corporation #micro #macro #hard #soft #billgates #software #developer #technology #computers #windows #xbox #rebranding #dlatomdooka
piatok 6. apríla 2018
ccK - cK
#cck #ck #cecek #cecky #cicka #calvinklein #calvin #klein #tshirt #fashion #model #luxury #luxus #czechgirl #styl #moda #design #rebranding #logo #dlatomdooka
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